
SSH and GPG Generation/Usage

SSH Keys:

  1. SSH-Client :If you don’t have ssh installed, normally the client is installed by default. If not it suffices to run as root: Install it with apt-get install openssh-client .
  2. SSH-server : The server allows to connect remotely and gets installed by running as root: apt-get install openssh-server For generating, show existing list, shh-add etc..

Adding SSH-Agent to (GIT Kind of) Local repository:

This makes you not to enter ssh-agent password every time you push or pull the remote repository.

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GPG : Keysigning Install gnupg (or) gnupg2 by : apt install gnupg or apt installl gnupg2(for latest version of GNUpg 2)

The intent of this manual is to explain how you can create and sign a GPG key.

ADD other UID(other email to same GPG key):

If you need to add more than one email address to your key:

SET primary UID(When two or more UID are associate with GPG same key):

List gpg key in LONG Format: gpg --armor --export KEY_ID here KEY_ID is 23955501 , the last 8 digits for gpg key.

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